Stevie – Bryan Goeres

The part that I like about this film and would like to apply to my work is how the flashbacks are dealt with.

I like the way that Goeres has done the flashbacks as it is such a simple yet effective way. The flashbacks start in black and white and fade in to colour. The use of black and white is effective as people will connect black and white photography and film with something old.

I need to experiment with different ways of showing flashbacks, and so I need to find examples of other films that use flashbacks as a storytelling device.

I also liked the way that colours and lighting were used in other scenes of the film. When Isabel is in a scene, here innocence in the situation is shown by casting a fairy tale style of filming on the scene. The colours are vibrant with a warm glow to them. Initially, I had thought that perhaps there was something wrong with the girl, and I expect that other people thought so too, but with the way in which Goeres used the colours, it became more apparent that Isabel was not the problem. By casting a fairy tale atmosphere upon Isabel’s scenes, Goeres has highlighted her naivety and youth; she could not possibly be the problem in this situation. Furthermore, a young child in a fairy tale is usually the one that becomes endangered by the evil in the story, and that is exactly what happens to Isabel. ‘Stevie’ is jealous because Claire and Adrian appear to be forgetting him now that they have a new child, and so he wishes to ruin Isabel for them, as well as their marriage.

I am interested in playing with camera styles in order to potentially create a fantasy vibe. I shall have to test this out in regards to my project to see if this would work with my idea of pulling the audience in to feeling certain emotions towards my main character. Something tells me that perhaps it may not be such a great idea to do this, as I need my character to be as relatable as possible to my audience, and so the story needs to seem as real as possible.

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